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Jun 22, 2010

The table gets turned in this episode and Nathan Martin (A two time guest on 2BwS, woop-woop) asks the questions. We explore topics such as my background, which tends to go on longer than it should have... but who doesn't like talking about themselves, c'mon! We also talk about the show; past guests, thoughts...

Jun 15, 2010

Nelson Lebo is an award-winning environmental educator with 20 years
teaching experience. He has been an organic farmer and green builder
for the decade. He is trained in Organic Land Care, Ecological
Design/Build, Eco-Renovation and holds a Permaculture Design
Certificate. Nelson has worked as a design consultant and...

Jun 11, 2010

This is not an official episode, be not disappointed. This is a quick chat about what is going at the Two Beers With Steve Factory. I thought there were a few pieces of business to take care. Here are a couple points that I make:

1. I talk about what Two Beers With Steve is about

2. I announce that we are working on...

Jun 6, 2010

Denninger discusses the Federal Reserve, Congress, the financial markets, inflation/deflation, and whether or not gold is a safe haven.

This interview starts out with Karl Denninger recounting his days as CEO of an internet company during the go-go 90's. Karl recalls the stress of betting the company every 18 months to...

Jun 2, 2010

Erik Townsend stops in to discuss the financial markets and give his viewpoint of what it is like to be living in Hong Kong.

This episode could easily be a two-part episode. The first half hour is spent giving our roundtable a different angle on China and Hong Kong than what we Westerners see in popular media. It...