Dec 31, 2013
Steve Patterson joins me for the greatly anticipated Dog Whisperer show. We discuss the TV program The Dog Whisper, and very quickly the conversation turns toward comparing the techniques Cesar Millan uses to train dogs to the tactics parents use to control their children. Are there parenting lessons to be learned...
Dec 17, 2013
Miro and Lainie from the Raising Miro on the Road of Life travel blog and podcast join me for a wonderful conversation. Lainie and her son tell me all about their life on the road in South America, living outside of the main stream, unschooling, or “world schooling” as they call it, using travel as a tool for...
Dec 8, 2013
Carson and Jeff from Bardcast, the Shakespeare podcast, join me to discuss the life and works of William Shakespeare. This is a fun conversation where we discuss why we love Shakespeare, and attempt to answer questions like “Is Shakespeare still relevant today?” and “Was Shakespeare a racist?” In addition,...