Mar 7, 2010
The title of this podcast, "Unemployed? Become An Organic Farmer!", refers to a comment made in our interview with Ann Adams of Holistic Management International that she believes our agricultural industry will need 50 million more farmers if we are going to have a sustainable farming future. Sometime in the future (5 years, 10 years, 20 years?) the large scale, fossil fuel dependent methods of our current farming operations will be unsustainable for multiple reasons (Peak Oil, the poor soil content, etc.)
The pendulum is swinging back towards the smaller scale farming and there is a desperate need for organic farmers to fill the gap. For those that are seeking employment in industries that will be much smaller in a Peak Oil environment or worse, your industry may become irrellevant, organic farming could be an excellent option.
We also cover may other topics along the lines of organic farming; international as well as what is happening here domestically in the US.
Holistic Management International
First a disclaimer - I have not listened to this episode yet, but plant to shortly.
Becoming an organic farmer is a good step in feeding yourself and probably a smart move if you have spare time. Unfortunately (at least in the current price structure) it is very difficult to make living amount of money from small scale food production when competing against the big players who push food price so low.
I grow all my own fruit, vegetables and eggs. It takes quite some time but I don\'t mind as it is a way of life for me. To make enough for me to live and have surplus to sell for livable income would take considerable more time and energy than from one person. It is a shame, but everyone needs to eat.
When large scale, mechanical, cheap energy farming is costing more then organic and small scale agriculture will be more profitable... I eagerly await.
Steve, I have just listened to this edition of your podcast (I think I have heard most of your other releases) and as usual interesting and informative.
I am one of the characters who manages to mix rural living and organic \'farming\' with hi-tech modern business as I run a small web design business from home ( Lets hope the internet keeps running... :)
It was interesting to hear about pricing on carbon sequestration. Giving land owners another way to make money off their property by measuring carbon locked up in organic matter. I am involved in a similar thing ( and and excited about getting a price on carbon. The trick will be doing it in such a way that can avoid fraud and all the dubious bundling and trading as the market grows. Otherwise it may be a repeat of this housing / finance fiasco you folk have engineered / suffered.
I am lucky to come from a family with farming and organic background so my eyes were opened for me from a young age. I follow your podcast and await future releases.
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