Nov 25, 2013
So bitcoin is a can’t miss investment that is guaranteed to go up, right? Steve Patterson joins me to discuss some of the reasons why that might not be the case. Is bitcoin too volatile to be a useful currency? Is bitcoin the AOL of cryptocurrencies? How do you perform a valuation of bitcoin as you would other...
Nov 19, 2013
In this conversation Darrell Becker and Wes Bertrand joined me to tackle the topics of judgment and responsibility. I found that these two things, judgment and responsibility (or denial of responsibility as is often the case) often go together. We discuss how these topics handled using Non-violent...
Nov 8, 2013
The conversation continues with Erik Townsend, as he tells us about his epic journey around the world.
Many topics are explored, including the following: How do the considerations differ when evaluating a place for snow birding verses a primary residence? Hawaii is a hell hole? Why not the Carribean? But...