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Dec 17, 2010

Never before has this program, Two Beers With Steve, had a guest who was as far into the Mainstream Media Culture as Jeff Cohen has been. Jeff Cohens bio reads like a guest on the McLaughlin Group, not this ol' shabby program... but please, nobody tell Jeff.

I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Jeff Cohen and I also thoroughly enjoyed his book Cable News Confidential (2006). Even though people have made the criticism of Jeff Cohen that he is a typical left-wing liberal I think his book and his rhetoric go beyond the two-party paradigm to expose something larger; corporate control. He speaks as though he has no mainstream media career to protect anymore and that may be true since he has established himself firmly in the alternative media system.

This show was a departure from traditional topics but still is fascinating and worth a double-listen. Take care and let me know what you think about this topic... I'd be interested in knowing.

eleven and a half years ago

αυθαιρεσία: ενέργεια ή πράξη που γίνεται με τρόπο που παραβιάζει τα δικαιώματα του άλλουEgw eimai apaithtikos kai thelw 10% kedors to xrono alliws to kleinw kai anoigw souvlatzidiko. O allos dipla to doulevei ki einai euxaristhmenos me 1%. Dikaiwma mou na exw to krithrio 10% , kai o allos to 1%. Eimai ypallhlos alla eimai kai tempelhs. Doulevw ews tis 5 kai 5:01 exw fygei o kosmos na xalasei ki epeidh mou th leei h ergodosia, stravwsa, paraiththika kai doulevw taxi. O allos ypallhlos doulevei parapanw kai den ton peirazei. Dikaiwma tou kai tou enos kai tou allou. Egw de vlepw kammia authairesia opws epishs dikaiwma einai na exeis ta dika sou krithria, oute ta krithria prepei na einai eudiakrita ektos ean milame gia eishgmenes etairies. Alla eidika san ergazomenos einai dikaiwma sou na paraiteisai, xwris kanena eudiakrito krhthrio h dikaologia. Auto den authairesia oute gia ton ergazomeno oute gia ton ergodoth.Tha mas trelaneis OB, me esteiles na psaxnw lexika. Alla nomizw oti apolamvaneis thn aristerh 'kathodhga', de pistevw omws oti ta trwne oloi etsi apla pou nomizeis [url=]lqgsslswri[/url] [link=]gemhoon[/link]

eleven and a half years ago

"why would political peraits accepting money from Jimmy Lai be a case of corruption? non-sense, completely (or complete?) rubbish 邊條法例說他們犯法 香港現在是沒有政黨法規範這些 你有種你自己告他們吧 我鼓勵你 這些問題 對所有傳媒 包括東方太陽文匯大公 要一視同仁 對所有政黨也是 不要selective!"肥佬黎並非大富豪, 他熱心捐款支持香港民主黨派, 行動完全合法. 另一方面, 保皇派收受的不明來歷的捐款, 數額龐大, 比民主派的多十倍以上, 當中是否涉及利益輸送或其他不法行徑, 公眾有需要關注.

eleven and a half years ago

why would political patries accepting money from Jimmy Lai be a case of corruption? non-sense, completely (or complete?) rubbish 邊條法例說他們犯法 香港現在是沒有政黨法規範這些 你有種你自己告他們吧 我鼓勵你 這些問題 對所有傳媒 包括東方太陽文匯大公 要一視同仁 對所有政黨也是 不要selective!你說得對 我說 如果有問題 是因為目前證據未足 所以我不是想要借此造低CY, 我對他的誠信也有希冀 反正立法會可能繼續查 大家等著瞧 看有沒有什麽新料 關於 明眼人 的comment, 我相信見仁見智 大家心裡有數 是否有 大內高手 助陣餵料 當然 唐唐的回應極其差勁 不停自打嘴巴 那反映了他自身素質低 不能怪記者 關於你對那個是否 solely"字眼的解釋 我接受 不可能 全部 歸咎北京 但是你最後一段我完全不認同 --- 你是完全在放屁 我客觀分析人家好文一則 擺明是看到有些有心人(e.g.練乙錚 好心想出力為社會出謀獻策 所以自己也來幫一下口動動腦筋 怎麼可能像你那樣想法 博出位出來whine?! ong居 我大學畢業幾年年薪就已過百萬 每天上班十多個鐘頭 自力更生 只不過碰巧今天有空筆戰一下 --- 洗同你條契弟弟whine?! [url=]smuginc[/url] [link=]rxkjqihh[/link]

eleven and a half years ago

"If It Be Your Will"If it be your will That I speak no more And my voice be still As it was before I will speak no more I shall abide until I am skopen for If it be your will If it be your will That a voice be true From this broken hill I will sing to you From this broken hill All your praises they shall ring If it be your will To let me sing From this broken hill All your praises they shall ring If it be your will To let me sing If it be your will If there is a choice Let the rivers fill Let the hills rejoice Let your mercy spill On all these burning hearts in hell If it be your will To make us well And draw us near And bind us tight All your children here In their rags of light In our rags of light All dressed to kill And end this night If it be your will If it be your will.--------------------I see more in this song after seeing the words..."Democracy"It's coming through a hole in the air, from those nights in Tiananmen Square. It's coming from the feel that this ain't exactly real, or it's real, but it ain't exactly there. From the wars against disorder, from the sirens night and day, from the fires of the homeless, from the ashes of the gay: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming through a crack in the wall; on a visionary flood of alcohol; from the staggering account of the Sermon on the Mount which I don't pretend to understand at all. It's coming from the silence on the dock of the bay, from the brave, the bold, the battered heart of Chevrolet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming from the sorrow in the street, the holy places where the races meet; from the homicidal bitchin' that goes down in every kitchen to determine who will serve and who will eat. From the wells of disappointment where the women kneel to pray for the grace of God in the desert here and the desert far away: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. Sail on, sail on O mighty Ship of State! To the Shores of Need Past the Reefs of Greed Through the Squalls of Hate Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on. It's coming to America first, the cradle of the best and of the worst. It's here they got the range and the machinery for change and it's here they got the spiritual thirst. It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming from the women and the men. O baby, we'll be making love again. We'll be going down so deep the river's going to weep, and the mountain's going to shout Amen! It's coming like the tidal flood beneath the lunar sway, imperial, mysterious, in amorous array: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. Sail on, sail on ... I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean I love the country but I can't stand the scene. And I'm neither left or right I'm just staying home tonight, getting lost in that hopeless little screen. But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags that Time cannot decay, I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.David Mc

over fourteen years ago


I'm a trial attorney of the local government variety so I tend to drop off the radar for certain periods. That being said, I couldn't agree with you more regarding the media's backing of the "warfare" state. The media seems to endorse the notion that the United States has a right and duty to function as "Team American World Police." I'm at a loss as to the reasons for this so I will watch your suggested film, "Why we fight."

Due to my occupation, I know a little something about producing quality evidence and vetting facts to present truthful arguments. Accordingly, Colin Powell's speech to the United Nations in justification of a pending invasion of Iraq was a turning point in my life and my trust in both the federal government and the mainstream media.

Recall how after 9/11/01, the Bush administration immediately began making the Iraq connection. The media salivated and seemed to accept the government case as gospel.

Powell's speech was something far more sinister than misleading propaganda. It was a calculated attempt to manipulate and mislead the United Nations and the American public. The mainstream media largely presented a chorus of approval and prepared its journalists to "embed" with military units.

When my wife questioned the connection between Iraq and 911, I recited elements of Powell's speech back to her as if I were an anchor on the NBC nightly news. Years later, I have now come to realize that nearly every argument I repeated in support of war was based on manipulated evidence and information that had already been vetted and declared untrue by numerous intelligence agencies.

To me, Powell's speech is the single, most prolific example of government deception in American history. That moment in time makes Watergate look about as significant as a traffic infraction and the media was complicit by failing to challenge, question and refute false arguments. Like a lemming, I recall repeating the WMD mantra as I applauded the build up to war.

If a man can be impeached for lying about a stained dress, then what should be the punishment for conspiring to present a fabricated case for war to the entire world?

Reporters no longer question, verify facts and think critically. Accordingly, anything coming out of the mainstream media such as "global warming"... no, I mean "climate change" should be studied by the consumer with caution.

Grass roots internet productions like "Two Beers With Steve" present a new opportunity for people to reflect on points of view that both evaluate and challenge the propaganda churned out by the mainstream media.

over fourteen years ago


I think what is being missed here is that the media isn't "liberal" or "conservative" but statist. To back up my assertion please take note of the media reaction to the protests of the TSA around Thanksgiving and, more recently, to the Wikileaks situation. The calls to "shut up and do as you're told" at the airports and for the death of Julian Assange came from right, left and center of the established media. These events have unmasked the media for what they really are. As far as I'm concerned I know what side they are on...and it's not mine.

As for your guest, I may not agree with his politics but I can appreciate his perspective. Thanks for continuing to share this guilty pleasure of yours.

over fourteen years ago


I think what is being missed here is that the media isn't "liberal" or "conservative" but statist. To back up my assertion please take note of the media reaction to the protests of the TSA around Thanksgiving and, more recently, to the Wikileaks situation. The calls to "shut up and do as you're told" at the airports and for the death of Julian Assange came from right, left and center of the established media. These events have unmasked the media for what they really are. As far as I'm concerned I know what side they are on...and it's not mine.

As for your guest, I may not agree with his politics but I can appreciate his perspective. Thanks for continuing to share this guilty pleasure of yours.

Ol' Two Beers
over fourteen years ago

I agree with you on that point, the media is certainly slanted towards liberal and progressive ideals on social issues. But I think he is correct about the 'liberal' medias stance on the warfare state, the corporatocracy, the fact that corporate interests are served over the interests of consumers, our foreign policy, and globalization.

I don't think a corporation cares about our opinions on abortion and gays in the military because it doesn't serve their interests to take a stance. Now, on the toipic of war with Iran they have multiple interests and the media coverage will be slanted towards invasion. I don't think we want war with Iran but we certainly have a motivation to be at war with Iran.

Watch the film 'Why we fight' to get a better explanation of this motivation.

A good recent example of corporate and government interests interfering with popular media is the Wikileaks investigation. I rarely watch mainstream media but the slant towards more government secrecy and jailing/executing Assange is quite high. The opposite argument that we adapt a more open/less secretive government is not even being entertained. But alas, I don't watch all that much mainstream stuff so I could be wrong. But my general opinion is the argument isn't taking place.

Thanks Bill, I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you in a while,

over fourteen years ago

An interesting conversation. However, as an avid consumer of print, internet, and television news, there is no doubt in my mind that those in the field of journalism are largely liberal as classically defined. I trend conservative on some issues and liberal (well, libertarian) on others. I truly enjoy NPR but hear the liberal, almost effeminate undertones of the hosts. Print media leaders such as the New York and LA Times can be counted on puyblishing stories sympathetic to liberal candidates, endorsing gay marriage and other socially progressive issues.

When you look at the blowhard Rush Limbaugh and the commentators of Fox News, you are largely seeing hosts that developed outside of the field of journalism. Rush, for example, does not have a college degree. They have grass roots support. They are not products of the liberal media culture. Instead they are the beneficiaries of the demand they service.

That's my opinion. Thanks for another interesting guest.

Ol' Two Beers
over fourteen years ago

You certainly know more about the Printing Press than I do but I am currently learning more on the topic.

I recently reserved the book Gutenbergs Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan at the library that speaks more on the subject.

Much of what you said I have only just learned and I was trying to include that newly learned material into my podcast and may have mis-spoke... but only slightly I think. If you listen again I tried to correct myself... but this information of the medieval printing press and its impact are fairly new to me.

Anyway, thanks for listening and could you suggest a good information source (video, podcast, book) that would be of value to me? The best I found was McLuhans book.


Chris from Warwick
over fourteen years ago

Hey Steve -- I wanted to give a quick comment on something from your Jeff Cohen interview. You mentioned that the impact of the printing press was in the Progressive Era. I think you're wildly off base on this, and that you don't give full credit to the more immediate impacts of the Printing Press on transforming late medieval Europe.

First, it completely undermined the stranglehold that the Catholic Church had on Northern and Northwestern Europe. Second, it produced an explosion of literacy throughout Western Europe -- which in turn planted the seeds of the entire Age of Reason (Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment). Third, the rapid spread of information and the rationalism that this engendered helped to undermine the attitudes of absolutism under the Divine Right of Kings throughout much of the Western world.

Will the internet prove to be as completely transformative? It remains to be seen. The Printing Press was a highly decentralized technology that allowed for diffuse control over information. The internet, by comparison, relies upon highly centralized technology and means of production/control. I think that the recent WikiLeaks saga is case study no. 1 of what happens when the ends of the internet-- decentralizing capacity of open information -- comes into open conflict with the centralized institutions that control the means of the internet. Which side will win in this is still very much up for debate....

Anyway, thanks for providing another thought-provoking show that challenges the assumptions of your listeners -- no matter how much some of them may not want to have those assumptions challenged. ;-)

Ol' Two Beers
over fourteen years ago

I encourage you to listen to the enitre interview, there is much to be learned from Jeff Cohen.

If I could give a suggestion for you based on the last sentence you wrote I would encourage you to download the podcasts being put out by Stefan Molyneux. HIs work is almost at fever pitch as he leads up to FreedomFest.

Beware your bias' (whatever they are) will be seriously contested.


over fourteen years ago

I started downloading your podcasts because I like your take on finance. But I could take about 10 minutes of this Cohen fool. People like him should emigrate to a country where they have the media and government he wants, and quit trying to destroy the USA with incremental socialism.