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Dec 16, 2009

Nathan Martin of Nathans Economic Edge talks with me about his vision of where monetary reform should be headed, what he calls Freedom's Vision.  

In this first discussion, Nathan points out the problems with our current system and possible tactics to enact REAL change. Nathan also makes the distinction between hoping change will happen and working towards making change happen... (hint, they are not the same thing, at all).

In a later episode we will be discussing a few more concepts of Nathans proposed plan and we will also be talking with Bill Still, narrator of the films The Secret of Oz and The Money Masters. Please join us.

As always, become a dear friend of Two Beers With Steve on Facebook, you'll be glad you did!

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eleven and a half years ago

What a buatuifel card for an even more buatuifel, little boy, Maureen! LOVE every little detail, especially that gorgeous background stamping! I just heard a similar story, on our local news, last night. There are just so many people hurting. [url=]kekcefr[/url] [link=]uzhjaqg[/link]

eleven and a half years ago

If you find yourself uearnwdter on your mortgage my best advise is to check out all of your options, period. To often homeowners are just looking for the quick out and may be overlooking a better way to go. Exhaust all options before you make any decision. Once you have done so, only then can you make what is the best choice for you and your family.One other recommendation is that you do what is best for you and your family while complying 100% with the laws. Don't worry about what your neighbors, friends or relatives will say. They are not in your shoes. The banks don't care about you, they are a for profit business. They will do what is in their best interest and so should you. So don't let the decision of when you baught your house, be your downfall.You can recover and the best way to do that is to take care of yourself first.All the best,Bill EmhoffSenior Mortgage AdvisorRPM Mortgage

eleven and a half years ago

Yup, that'll do it. You have my apiiecratpon.

over fifteen years ago

Awsome job, thanks Steve!