Feb 16, 2013
This week’s guest is Wes Bertrand from the Complete Liberty podcast. We cover psychology, ethics, parenting, statism, nutrition; seemingly no topic is off limits!
Wes is so well rounded he has four different websites, each with a different focus. I encourage you to explore them.
done two heart garlands for Valentine's Day, a set of Valentine's Day cards, my 2012 album, the gold and cork tin cans and now, a paint-by-numbers iirsnped portrait of http://ncbcqdo.com [url=http://exbgti.com]exbgti[/url] [link=http://pdbiozzlsf.com]pdbiozzlsf[/link]
Lumberton, NC wedding which took place on June 23. I first met Kelli and Wes this fall for some emnngegeat pictures and I fell in love with this couple immediately. They are a sweet southern couple and crazy for